
We are an independent recruitment agency specialising in healthcare recruitment, based in Wiltshire with an experienced team of recruitment consultants. We work to bring healthcare support staff and clients together in a complex and competitive market, thriving on a challenge to get the best outcome for candidates. Nothing makes us happier than finding the right healthcare worker for our clients.


Email: enquiries@createchoicesrecruitment.co.uk
Phone: Warren on 07584 131401
Office: 01672 560342

Our Story

We established Create Choices Recruitment in 2022, after our owner struggled to recruit candidates within the care sector for over two years due to disillusionment within healthcare and the constraints due to the pandemic.

We wanted to give choice to healthcare staff to earn the salary they deserve and to offer a different experience for clients looking for support workers.

The key difference is that clients have no upfront recruitment fee for us finding them a suitable healthcare worker. They simply pay a set weekly administration fee when they pay their support worker, our candidates are self-employed so there is no PAYE to worry about, and we train and DBS check all our applicants.

Additionally, candidates receive administration support with training, DBS checks, self-employment, careplan and support paperwork. All for a weekly fee and under one roof from our dedicated team of professionals.

We will also listen to your needs as a candidate and client tailoring the healthcare recruitment process to suit you and supporting with ongoing placements.


Email: enquiries@createchoicesrecruitment.co.uk
Phone: Warren on 07584 131401
Office: 01672 560342